## General RTIS Visualizer Usage
You need to use the right order to have the optimal experience:
1) Start [RTIS Network](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtisnetwork "RTIS Network") (and/or Ouster Sensor)
2) Start Visualizer scripts
3) Start Visualizer binary
### 1. RTIS Network
This package connects to the [RTIS Network repository](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtisnetwork "RTIS Network repository"). See the README there for further instructions on how to start the network.
### 2. Visualizer scripts
For connecting it to online RTIS and LIDAR(Ouster OS-1 64 is supported) sensors data, it has to be connected to the RTIS Network using the Python scripts found in the Python folder.
Start the [`RTISUnityVisualizer.py`](Python/RTISUnityVisualizer.py) for connecting an RTIS sensor to the Visualizer and/or the [`OusterUnityVisualizer.py`](/Python/OusterUnityVisualizer.py) script for the Ouster OS-1 64.
For example:
python3 ./Python/RTISUnityVisualizer.py
There are a few launch arguments that you likely need to use to correctly configure the script to work:
- `RTISUnityVisualizer.py`:
- `--log`: Disable or configure log files. 0=off , 1=only warnings and errors, 2(default)=includes info, 3=includes debug
- `--serverip`: The IP of the RTIS Server to connect to (default=
- `--path`: The path where the Unity Visualizer executable can be found (default=C:/UnityVisualizer/UnityProject/build)
- `--help`: Shows the description of all launch arguments
For example:
python3 ./Python/RTISUnityVisualizer.py --log 3 --serverip --path ~/RTIS/rtisunityvisualizer/BuildLinux
- `OusterUnityVisualizer.py`:
- `--log`: Disable or configure log files. 0=off , 1=only warnings and errors, 2(default)=includes info, 3=includes debug
- `--path`: The path where the Unity Visualizer executable can be found (default=C:/UnityVisualizer/UnityProject/build)
- `--x`: Pose position in m for forward axis in meters
- `--y`: Pose position in m for side axis (positive: left) in meters
- `--z`: Pose position in m for up axis in meters
- `--yaw`: Pose rotation around z axis in degrees (positive: rotate looking to the left)
- `--pitch`: Pose rotation around y axis in degrees (positive: rotate looking downwards)
- `--roll`: Pose rotation around x axis in degrees (positive: roll to the right)
- `--ousterip`: IP on which the UDP connection to the Ouster can be found (default=
- `--ousterport`: Port on which the UDP connection to the Ouster can be found (default=7502)
- `--help`: Shows the description of all launch arguments.
For example:
python3 ./Python/OusterUnityVisualizer.py --log 1 --x 1.5 --z 0.75 --yaw 45 --path ~/RTIS/rtisunityvisualizer/BuildLinux
### 3. Visualizer binary
Start the executable to launch it.
When the Visualizer is launched, please see the onscreen control instructions on how to use it. |
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