RTIS Unity Visualizer

RTIS Unity Visualizer

A 3D visualization of RTIS and LIDAR sensor data from both online or offline sources. Build with Unity.

This project includes the Unity Visualizer project and tools needed to get data from the RTIS or LIDAR sensors to the visualizer.


You need to use the right order to have the optimal experience:

  1. Start RTIS Network (and/or Ouster Sensor)
  2. Start Visualizer scripts
  3. Start Visualizer binary

1. RTIS Network

This package connects to the RTIS Network repository. See the README there for further instructions on how to start the network.

2. Visualizer scripts

For connecting it to online RTIS and LIDAR(Ouster OS-1 64 is supported) sensors data, it has to be connected to the RTIS Network using the Python scripts found in the Python folder. Start the RTISUnityVisualizer.py for connecting an RTIS sensor to the Visualizer and/or the OusterUnityVisualizer.py script for the Ouster OS-1 64. For example:

python3 ./Python/RTISUnityVisualizer.py

There are a few launch arguments that you likely need to use to correctly configure the script to work:

  • RTISUnityVisualizer.py:

    • --log: Disable or configure log files. 0=off , 1=only warnings and errors, 2(default)=includes info, 3=includes debug
    • --serverip: The IP of the RTIS Server to connect to (default=
    • --path: The path where the Unity Visualizer executable can be found (default=C:/UnityVisualizer/UnityProject/build)
    • --help: Shows the description of all launch arguments

    For example:

    python3 ./Python/RTISUnityVisualizer.py --log 3 --serverip --path ~/RTIS/rtisunityvisualizer/BuildLinux
  • OusterUnityVisualizer.py:

    • --log: Disable or configure log files. 0=off , 1=only warnings and errors, 2(default)=includes info, 3=includes debug
    • --path: The path where the Unity Visualizer executable can be found (default=C:/UnityVisualizer/UnityProject/build)
    • --x: Pose position in m for forward axis in meters
    • --y: Pose position in m for side axis (positive: left) in meters
    • --z: Pose position in m for up axis in meters
    • --yaw: Pose rotation around z axis in degrees (positive: rotate looking to the left)
    • --pitch: Pose rotation around y axis in degrees (positive: rotate looking downwards)
    • --roll: Pose rotation around x axis in degrees (positive: roll to the right)
    • --ousterip: IP on which the UDP connection to the Ouster can be found (default=
    • --ousterport: Port on which the UDP connection to the Ouster can be found (default=7502)
    • --help: Shows the description of all launch arguments.

    For example:

    python3 ./Python/OusterUnityVisualizer.py --log 1 --x 1.5 --z 0.75 --yaw 45 --path ~/RTIS/rtisunityvisualizer/BuildLinux

3. Visualizer binary

The build Unity Visualizer can be found on the Releases page. Start the executable to launch it. When the Visualizer is launched, please see the onscreen control instructions on how to use it.