## General RTIS Visualizer Usage
# RTIS Unity Visualizer
This project includes the Unity Visualizer project and tools needed to get data from the RTIS or LIDAR sensors to the visualizer.
## Usage
You need to use the right order to have the optimal experience:
You need to use the right order to have the optimal experience:
1) Start [RTIS Network](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtisnetwork "RTIS Network") (and/or Ouster Sensor)
1) Start [RTIS Network](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtisnetwork "RTIS Network") (and/or Ouster Sensor)
2) Start Visualizer scripts
2) Start Visualizer scripts
... | @@ -51,5 +54,16 @@ There are a few launch arguments that you likely need to use to correctly config |
... | @@ -51,5 +54,16 @@ There are a few launch arguments that you likely need to use to correctly config |
### 3. Visualizer binary
### 3. Visualizer binary
Start the executable to launch it.
The build Unity Visualizer can be found on the [Releases](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtisunityvisualizer/-/releases) page. Start the executable to launch it.
When the Visualizer is launched, please see the onscreen control instructions on how to use it. |
When the Visualizer is launched, please see the onscreen control instructions on how to use it.
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## Unity project
### Source Files
The *UnityProject* folder contains the Unity project files that can be used to build the final Unity-based application. Open the folder in Unity to open use the project.
The current version was build with Unity version 2019.1.
### Build yourself
To build a new version, please use The *File* tab and press *Build*. In the following menu press *Build* again and choose the output folder. More detailed instructions can be found online: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PublishingBuilds.html. |
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