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A subsumption layered control system for a mobile platform featuring collision avoidance, object avoidance and corridor following for multiple real-time processed RTIS sensors for usage in the RTIS Network software framework.
The controller also has a full simulation in MATLAB. This can be found in the *Matlab Simulator* folder. The Python-based controller can be connected to the MATLAB simulator for testing where the simulator takes care of world, robot and sensor simulation.
## Dependencies
Version numbers are those used during this project, higher versions likely supported too.
* For simulation: MATLAB 2021b or above with the following toolboxes:
* Image Processing Toolbox
* Instrument Control Toolbox
* Parallel Computing Toolbox
* Phased Array System Toolbox
* DSP System Toolbox
* Signal Processing Toolbox
* Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
* Navigation Toolbox (for Rosbag data parsing scripts)
* Python 3.6 with the following modules:
* multiprocessing-logging
* numpy
* scipy
* [RTIS Network](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtisnetwork "RTIS Network") when using a real mobile platform and real RTIS sensors. Supported RTIS Network version: v2.13.0 and above.
## Publication
This work is described in more detail in the following publication:
... | ... | @@ -13,11 +31,32 @@ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357601135_Adaptive_Acoustic_Flow-Based_ |
Title: Real-Time Sonar Fusion for Layered Navigation Controller.
Authors: Jansen, Wouter & Laurijssen, Dennis & Steckel, Jan.
Journal: MDPI Sensors 2022, Special Issue Advances in Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation****
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s22093109
## Usage
### Installation
When you clone this repository you likely will need to manually update the gitmodules to get the right version of RTIS Common.
For example:
git clone https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtisrobotcontroller.git
cd rtisrobotcontroller
git submodule init
git submodule update
### Python Controller
The Python implementation of the controller can be used in the RTIS Network software framework or with the Matlab Simulation framework.
For usage and setup of the eRTIS Network see [here](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtisnetwork "RTIS Network Git repository").
For usage and setup of the eRTIS Network see [here](hhttps://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtisnetwork "RTIS Network Git repository").
The main script is [RTISRobotController.py](Python/RTISRobotController.py).
There are a few launch arguments that you likely need to use to correctly configure the script to work.
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