RTIS Common Library

RTIS Common Library

Common Python library used by the RTIS Network and its various applications

RTIS Common Documentation - Table of Content

General Usage

Several functions are available to be used to gain information on the connected RTIS Clients and Server and prepare your application for their data.

All the available commands are explained in the source documentation or on the Wiki.

For receiving the measurement data one should set up a TCP socket server with the IP defined in the serversettings.json of the RTIS Server as "applicationIp" with port 65444.

For example:

import socket
import pickle
serverSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
serverSocket.bind(('applicationIp', 65444))
print("Started data listener.")
while True:
        conn, address = serverSocket.accept()
        data = []
        while True:
            packet = conn.recv(2048)
            if not packet:
        dataPackage = pickle.loads(b"".join(data))
        print("measurement #" + str(dataPackage[4]) + " from RTIS Client '" + dataPackage[0] + "' received!")
    except socket.error as ex:
        print("the RTIS Server aborted the data connection: " + str(ex))
    except pickle.UnpicklingError as ex:
        print("the RTIS Server aborted the data connection: " + str(ex))
    except EOFError as ex:
        print("The RTIS Server aborted the data connection: " + str(ex))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Closing data listener...")

The dataPackage that the RTIS Network Server sends contains a tuple with the following elements in this order:

  • ID: string: The RTIS Client ID.
  • processedData: numpy ndarray: The data matrix holding the optionally processed data.
  • rawData: numpy ndarray: The data matrix holding the raw recording data samples as uint32.
  • timestamp: float: Epoch timestamp of when the measurement was taken on the RTIS Client.
  • index: int: The measurement index of this measurement for this RTIS Client.
  • behaviour: int (0 or 1): The behaviour of the RTIS Client sonar mode. 0 means passive, 1 means active.



class RTISClientObj(client_id, client_ip, network_version, firmware_version, required, config_name, client_online=True) [source]

Class describing a connected RTIS Client.

Attributes: id : string

The unique identifier to identify this RTIS Client by.

ip : string

The current IP used by the active RTIS Client.

online : bool

If the RTIS Client has timed out it will be set to False, otherwise it will always be True.

lastHeartbeatTimestamp : datetime.datetime

The datetime object telling the last time a heartbeat was received from an RTIS Client.

configured : int

The state of the configuration of an RTIS Client. 0 = Booting | 1 = Started | 2 = Configuring | 3 = Ready | 4 = Preparing workers | 5 = Online

behaviour : int

The state of the sonar behaviour of an RTIS Client. 0 = passive | 1 = active

required : int

A toggle to state if the sensor is required to be online and stable before measurements can be started. 0 = not required | 1 = required

stable : int

A state indicator to know if the sensor has been in the 'Ready' state for at least 1 minute to indicate it is fully ready and stable for operation. 0 = not stable yet | 1 = stable

startStableTimestamp : datetime.datetime

The datetime object telling the start time the RTIS Client was in the 'Ready' state.

inputDataQueueSize : int

The amount of data packages currently in the incoming data queue of the RTIS Client.

outputDataQueueSize : int

The amount of data packages currently in the outgoing data queue of the RTIS Client.

internalCounter : int

The current index of the internal measurement counter of the connected RTIS hardware.

networkVersion : string

The RTIS Network software version that is used by this RTIS Client.

firmwareVersion : string

The RTIS Device hardware firmware version that is used by this RTIS Client.


update_heartbeat(self, client_ip, client_configured, client_behaviour, client_inputDataQueueSize, client_outputDataQueueSize, client_internalCounter) [source]

Method that is used by RTIS Server to update the status of a RTIS Client when a new heartbeat is received.

Parameters: client_ip : string

The current IP used by the active RTIS Client.

client_configured : int

The state of the configuration of an RTIS Client. 0 = Booting | 1 = Started | 2 = Configuring | 3 = Ready | 4 = Preparing workers | 5 = Online

client_behaviour : int

The state of the sonar behaviour of an RTIS Client. 0 = passive | 1 = active

client_inputDataQueueSize : int

The amount of data packages currently in the incoming data queue of the RTIS Client.

client_outputDataQueueSize : int

The amount of data packages currently in the outgoing data queue of the RTIS Client.

client_internalCounter : int

The current index of the internal measurement counter of the connected RTIS hardware.

check_heartbeat(self, maximum_delta=15) [source]

Method to check if a RTIS Client has timed out based on a check if it is previous received heartbeat.

Parameters: maximum_delta : float (default = 15)

The maximum difference in time between now and the last received heartbeat before being listed as a timed out client.

Returns: state : bool

returns True if not timed out, returns False if the RTIS Client is timed out.

check_stability(self) [source]

Method to check if a RTIS Client is in the 'ready' configuration state for at least 30 seconds to indicate it is fully ready and stable for operation.

Returns: state : bool

returns True if stable for at least 1 minute, returns False if the RTIS Client is not yet stable.


class Pose(x, y, z, pitch, yaw, roll) [source]

Class describing a 3D pose using the right-handed coordinate system where x points forward, Y points to the left and Z point upwards. Rotations are around these axes also by the right-hand rule with roll being around the X-axis, pitch being around the Y-axis and yaw around the Z-axis. x, y and z are in meters. Pitch, yaw and roll in degrees.

Attributes: x : float

The forward facing axis position value in meters.

y : float

The left facing axis position value in meters.

z : float

The upwards facing axis position value in meters.

pitch : float

The rotation value around the Y-axis in degrees.

yaw : float

The rotation value around the Z-axis in degrees.

roll : float

The rotation value around the X-axis in degrees.


class dspSettings(configName, dspFiles, workers, pdmEnable, preFilterEnable, matchedFilterEnable, beamformingEnable, postFilterEnable, enveloppeEnable, cleanEnable, version) [source]

Class describing all the recording and processing settings related to RTIS devices. Too many variables to describe here. Check the source-code for more information on which variables are available.

Can be converted to a dictionary.



def dsp_worker_process(dspSettings, inputDataQueue, outputDataQueue, logger =None) [source]

The method to use als a multiprocessing.Process to perform a DSP pipeline on sonar measurements using the RTIS CUDA library. This will run continuously until closed. It will first prepare the DSP pipeline with the given settings. Afterwards it will process each measurement placed on the input data queue and place the result on the output data queue. This method should only be used the RTIS Server and not by applications.

The resulting data on the output data queue will be a tuple with the following content:

  • ID: string: The RTIS Client ID.
  • processedData: numpy ndarray: The data matrix holding the optionally processed data.
  • rawData: numpy ndarray: The data matrix holding the raw recording data samples as uint32.
  • timestamp: float: Epoch timestamp of when the measurement was taken on the RTIS Client.
  • index: int: The measurement index of this measurement for this RTIS Client.
  • behaviour: int (0 or 1): The behaviour of the RTIS Client sonar mode. 0 means passive, 1 means active.
Parameters: dspSettings : dspSettings

The complete class containing all RTIS settings for measuring and processing.

inputDataQueue : multiprocessing.Manager.Queue

The queue to get the measurement data packages from.

outputDataQueue : multiprocessing.Manager.Queue

The queue to put the measurement data packages on after processing.

logger : logging.Logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.


def get_server_config(serverIp, logger=None) [source]

A method to connect to the RTIS Server and get the dspSettings currently used by the RTIS Server. Useful for connected applications.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.

Returns: serverDspSettings : dspSettings

The complete class containing all RTIS settings for measuring and processing. Returns None on failure.


def get_clients_and_configs(serverIp, logger=None) [source]

A method to connect to the RTIS Server and get all the active connected RTIS Clients with and their respective dspSettings. Useful for connected applications.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.

Returns: clients : dictionary (string,dspSettings)

A dictionary with the RTIS Client IDs as the keys and the DSP settings as the values.


def get_client_pose(serverIp, client_id, logger=None) [source]

A method to connect to the RTIS Server and get the Pose of a particular RTIS Client with. Useful for connected applications.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

client_id : string

The identifier of the RTIS Client.

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.

Returns: pose : Pose

The Pose object containing the position and (euler) rotation values of that RTIS Client. Returns None on failure.


def reload_config(serverIp, logger=None) [source]

Tell the RTIS Server to reload its serverconfig.json file and read in the new settings. Will also re-configure all connected RTIS Clients.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.


def prepare(serverIp, logger=None) [source]

Tell the RTIS Server and connected RTIS Clients to start all workers.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.


def idle(serverIp, logger=None) [source]

Tell the RTIS Server and connected RTIS Clients to go idle and stop all measurements and kill all running workers.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.


def stop(serverIp, logger=None) [source]

Tell the RTIS Server and connected RTIS Clients to stop any running measurements.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.


def start(serverIp, measurements=0, frequency=0, active='0', logger=None) [source]

Tell the RTIS Server and connected RTIS Clients to stop any running measurements.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

measurements : int

Set a custom amount of measurements to record. If argument is not given it will be set to 0. Which results in continuous and infinite measurements.

frequency : int

Set a custom measurement frequency. If not given will take the default set in the serversettings.json file.

active : string

Set a custom list of active connections for the RTIS Sync device. If not given will take the default set in the serversettings.json file. Format: "X,X,X,X,X,X" where X is 1(active) or 0(inactive).

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.


def set_counter(serverIp, index=0, logger=None) [source]

A method to connect to the RTIS Server tell all connected RTIS Clients to set their sonar behaviour to active. Useful for connected applications.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

index : int

The new index to set the internal measurement counter on. Defaults to 0 if not given.

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.


def set_behaviour_active(serverIp, logger=None) [source]

A method to connect to the RTIS Server tell all connected RTIS Clients to set their sonar behaviour to active. Useful for connected applications.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.


def set_behaviour_passive(serverIp, logger=None) [source]

A method to connect to the RTIS Server tell all connected RTIS Clients to set their sonar behaviour to passive. Useful for connected applications.

Parameters: serverIp : string

The IP on which the RTIS Server can be found.

logger : logging.logger (default = None)

The logging library object to stream the messages to. If None then normal Print statement is used.