... | ... | @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Here is a more detailed explanation of each parameter: |
"serverIp" : "", [string, The IP of the RTIS Server on which to host it]
"applicationIP": "", [string, The IP of the application on which to connect to it]
"applicationIp": "", [string, The IP of the application on which to connect to it]
"log" : 2, [integer, Disable or configure log files. 0=off, 1=only warnings and errors, 2=includes info, 3=includes debug]
"debug": 0, [integer, Disable or configure debug mode where RTIS Sync is simulated.. 0=off, 1=on]
"ntpEnable" : 1, [integer, Disable or enable the NTP Server. Best turned off if internet is available on the network. 0=off, 1=on]
... | ... | @@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ Here is a more detailed explanation of each parameter: |
"z": 0, [float, The upwards facing axis position value in meters of this RTIS Client.]
"pitch": 0, [float, The rotation value around the Y-axis in degrees of this RTIS Client.]
"yaw": 0, [float, The rotation value around the Z-axis in degrees of this RTIS Client.]
"roll": 0 [float, The rotation value around the X-axis in degreesof this RTIS Client.]
"roll": 0 [float, The rotation value around the X-axis in degreesof this RTIS Client.]
"eRTIS001" : { [string, Use the RTIS Device´s unique identifier to define custom settings.]
... [the same values as above for the default configuration are required here too.]
"required" : 1 [integer, Set to 1 if this Client is required to be in the 'Ready' state for at least 1 minute before allowing further operation.]
... | ... | @@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ These files can made more easily with the web interface. |
Here is a more detailed explanation of the `config.json` file:
"microphoneLayout" : "eRTIS_V3.14159265", [string, The name of the microphone array layout. The available ones can be found in the Config/DSPFiles/MicrophoneLayouts folder.]
"microphoneLayout" : "eRTIS_v3D1", [string, The name of the microphone array layout. The available ones can be found in the Config/DSPFiles/MicrophoneLayouts folder.]
"microphoneSamples" : 163840, [integer, The amount of microphone sames the RTIS Client device should use. Must be dividable by 32768.]
"microphoneSampleFrequency" : 4500000, [integer, The microphone sample frequency used by the DSP pipeline.]
"dacSampleFrequency" : 450000, [integer, The DAC (emitter) sample frequency used by the RTIS Client device. Must by larger then 160KHz and smaller then 2MHz.]
... | ... | @@ -94,8 +95,8 @@ The CLI control uses different types of launch arguments. Note the difference in |
**Configuration**: these can not be mixed together.
- `reload`: Reload the _serversettings.json_ and _DSPFiles_ and make Server and Client use (new) settings.
- `idle`: Disable GPU workers and measurement listener.
- `prepare`: Start GPU workers and measurement listener.
- `start`: Start Sonar measurements with SYNC.
- `prepare`: Start GPU workers and measurement listener. This will check if all required Clients are stable and online.
- `start`: Start Sonar measurements with SYNC. This willd o a check to make sure the Server and Client are ready first.
- `--measurements`: Choose amount of measurements (infinite by default).
- `--frequency`: Choose custom frequency that overrides the default in the _serversettings.json_ file.
- `--active`: Choose which connections on RTIS Sync device should be activated that overrides the default in the serversettings.json file. Format: "X,X,X,X,X,X" where X is 1(active) or 0(inactive).
... | ... | @@ -157,7 +158,27 @@ The state can be: |
Furthermore, on the **Configuration page** one can safely configure the [serversettings.json](Config/serversettings.json) file from this web interface.
Lastly, on the **DSP Settings** page the [DSP Config folders](Config/DSPFiles) can be managed and generated easily as well.
### C. Using and creating a RTIS Network application
Similarly as to the web API, all control functionality is also available as HTTP commands.
They will return status 200 on success and 400 (with error message as data) on failure.
The following functions can therefore be used:
- _Idle mode_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/idle`: Disable GPU workers and measurement listener.
- _Prepare workers_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/prepare`: Start GPU workers and measurement listener.
- _Reload settings_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/reload`: Reload the _serversettings.json_ and _DSPFiles_ and make Server and Client use (new) settings.
- _Set behaviour_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/behaviour`: Set the connected RTIS devices behaviour. With no additional argument for mode, it will default to passive.
- _mode_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/behaviour?mode=integer` : Additional Integer argument argument to set the behaviour mode. 1 is active, 0 is passive.
- _Set counter index_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/counter`: By default resets all RTIS device measurement counters to 0 unless `index` argument is set differently.
- _Index_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/counter?index=integer` : Integer that sets custom device measurement counter.
- _Stop_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/stop`: Stop Sonar measurements with SYNC.
- _Start_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/start`: Start Sonar measurements with SYNC with default parameters.
- _Frequency_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/start?frequency=integer`: Choose custom frequency that overrides the default in the _serversettings.json_ file.
- _Measurements_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/start?measurements=integer`: Additional argument to choose amount of measurements. If not set it will default to continuous.
- _-Customize active connectors_ - `http://serverIp:5000/api/start?active=string`: Choose which connections on RTIS Sync device should be activated that overrides the default in the serversettings.json file. Should be a string of the format `X,X,X,X,X,X` where each X is either 1(enabled) 0(disabled).
- Like normal HTTP, you can combine multiple arguments. For example: `http://serverIp:5000/api/start?frequency=10&measurements=250&active=1,1,1,0,0,0`
### D. Using and creating a RTIS Network application
The idea of RTIS Network is to provide (processed) RTIS measurements of one or multiple RTIS sensors. In order to use these measurements one has to connect an application.
Several 'default' applications are already available:
... | ... | @@ -168,4 +189,4 @@ Several 'default' applications are already available: |
Making a new application is rather straight forward. Several functions are available to be used to gain information on the connected RTIS Clients and prepare your application for their data.
For this, one should use the Python library [RTIS Common Library](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtiscommon).
The available commands are available in the [wiki](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtiscommon/-/wikis/home).
There you can also find an example on setting up a data connection to the RTIS Server and what the data format is like. |
\ No newline at end of file |
There you can also find an example on setting up a data connection to the RTIS Server and what the data format is like. |