When using the eRTIS device in a synchronized network setup, the device should be configured correctly.
This means enabling the RTIS Client software service so it can connect to the RTIS Server of the [RTIS Network](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/rtisnetwork/-/wikis/home).
## Starting & Enabling RTIS Client
The RTIS Client service is disabled by default to not interfere with other usage of the device.
To start the RTIS Client service run from a SSH connected terminal (learn how to connect over SSH [here](https://cosysgit.uantwerpen.be/rtis-software/ertissoftwareusageguide/-/wikis/Initial-Connection-&-Network-Setup)):
sudo systemctl start rtisclient.service
To make sure the RTIS Client is always enabled by default on boot, you can enable the service as well with
sudo systemctl enable rtisclient.service
sudo systemctl start rtisclient.service
## Stopping & Disabling RTIS Client
To stop the RTIS Client you can run
sudo systemctl stop rtisclient.service
If you previously enabled the RTIS Client to be enabled by default, you can stop and disable it with:
sudo systemctl stop rtisclient.service
sudo systemctl disable rtisclient.service
## Debugging RTIS Client
To look into potential issues with the RTIS Client you can find the logs in the `/home/cosyslab/rtis-software/rtisnetwork/Logs` folder. For live output of the RTIS Client service, you can use the following command:
sudo journalctl -f -u rtisclient.service
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