The eRTIS device can be powered in two different ways, by either a direct wall-mount AC adapter or the M12 connector. Below both methods are explained.
## Wall-mount AC adapter
The easiest way to power the eRTIS device is with a wall-mount type AC adapter that we usually provide to everyone. This is a 12V, 2A AC adapter. This can provide 24W.
It should be connected to the female DC connector with a male DC 2.1x5.5mm plug.
Do note that using this method of powering does not guarantee dust and water-resistant robustness.
## M12 Connector
To keep the robustness and weather-proof conditions intact we recommend using the M12 connector. This is also the required connector if synchronization with another sensor is required using the SYNC signal. Below you can find an image of the pin layout of the M12 connector as seen from the point-of-view of the sensor. As you can see pins 10 and 12 require the 12V input and pins 6 and 11 the ground. The other pins can be ignored if only power is required. The power required is about 24W so 12V, 2A.